The list of Factoids currently tracked by the Empire

  • Used Army Ship
  • Lead-based Paint
  • Evacuation Earth
  • Friends in Low Places Tour (AKA The Last Waltz)
  • Rockstar
  • Astronaut
  • President
  • Shapeship Captain
  • WEwiHaPaHE
  • Web Engineer with hair Past Her Elbows
  • TJ Interactive
  • Tamara Jean (TJ) Fredrikson
  • Disaster Planner for World's Largest Response and Recovery Organization
  • Planning the Evacuation of the Midwest
  • Re-Writing Date driven Software from Scratch
  • Macromedia bought the Andromeda - no Andromedia
  • Tonight I'm Gonna Party Like It's 1999
  • Y2K
  • Ted Turner and the Queen of England
  • UIUC
  • The Dot Com Crash
  • Adobe bought Macromedia
  • The Credit Crunch
  • Expect the Best, Plan for the Worst

Introducing the WEwiHaPaHE Empire, featuring:


WEwiHaPaHE (Web Engineer with Hair Past Her Elbows) is a RockStar, President, Astronaut, and Spaceship Captain who saves the human race in the first movie, Evacuation Earth. Her spaceship is a used Army ship with a lead based hull. It's an Entertainment ship and has the largest holodeck known to mankind. And EVERYBODY knows: Tuesdays 2-4pm its California hour in the holodeck...

Presto Manifesto Presto Manifesto

Presto Manifesto is WEwiHaPaHE's project manager. She was mentioned during the first 3 movies, but had never been seen and people were starting to believe she was a figment of WEwiHaPaHE's imagination. She makes her first appearance in the 4th movie, but she's awfully quiet - we're still awaiting her first words.

and the rest of the gang:

new characters added regularly...

The Spaceship API The Spaceship API

The Spaceship API exposes the Empire's database. The entire Empire is served up from a single code base and a single database - this makes the Empire scalable and super easy to maintain. View the API documentation at

The Snazzifier The Snazzifier

The Snazzifier is where you go to get One of These Things™. The Snazzifier is the back end, One of These Things is the front end. Put your thinking cap on and Snazzify your own One of These Things.

One of These Things One of These Things

Do you have One of These Things? The kids asked for it, so we built it. Go to the The Snazzifier and get your very own One of These Things!

Expect the Best. Plan for the Worst.

Unknown FEMA Employee